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False Allegations Solicitors – Family Law Assistance

Introduction How false allegations are made Reasons to use a solicitor when you’re facing false allegations How are false allegations dealt with in court? What can the court do with allegations? So do I need a solicitor? Introduction It hurts to be accused of things you know didn’t…

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What franchise should I buy?

Introduction What franchise should you buy – the factors to consider Initial and Ongoing Costs Franchise Model and History Franchisor Support Legal Considerations Territorial Rights Market Demand Location Financial Performance Exit Strategies Peer Review Economic and Regulatory Environment Work-Life Balance Conclusion Introduction There are a lot of franchises out…

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5 Habits of Superstar Franchisees

Introduction A model for your own business I – Following the process II – Committing enough time to the franchise III – Showing up IV – Communication with your franchisor V – Continual learning Conclusion Introduction Being a franchisee takes a lot of the guesswork out of owning…

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Why should I buy a franchise?

Introduction What are you paying for when you buy a franchise? What happens when you buy a franchise? What are the down sides? Conclusion Introduction You can start a business with very little money up front. It’s quite possible to begin with a phone, a pen and a…

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How to Sell Your Property Via Auction

Traditional Auctions vs. Modern Auctions Traditional Auctions Traditional auctions usually take place in person at an auction house or online, with several properties up for sale on a set day. They are often popular among property professionals who understand the system and can confidently make bids, as it…